So...I decided I needed to get away! I have been going through some really hard times in my life and my brother Shane suggested I go with him, his family, his best friend, and his family on a cruise. At first I thought,"I can't go by myself it is too irresponsible." But then I thought, "Why not? I deserve a little time to myself." So off I went on a Western Caribbean cruise with 11 other crazy people. I loved it! I had no responsibilities for a whole week. No one to worry about. No cooking, cleaning, or work. Just me. was exactly what I needed. Here are some fun pictures.
Brayden, Mason and myself loving the time we have together.
These were my two roommate. Kelsey and Courtney. We had a blast! I felt like a kid again. We laughed until the wee hours of the morning or until the crew would knock on our door and tell us to be quiet.
Posing pool side!
This is pretty much what we did all the time....EAT!
First Port was Roatan, Honduras. It was beautiful and the snorkeling was great! Here are my two snorkel buddies Preston and Mason.

One of my favorite things we did was go on the zip line above and through the Roatan jungle at heights of 100 feet. It was like flying. It was amazing!
Our next stop was Belize. We went to a private Island no bigger then 2 acres. It was beautiful. Again, we snorkeled and lounged the afternoon away!

This was my favorite beach! White sand and crystal blue water.
On the ship we enjoyed the food way too much. We had sushi one night! 90 pieces of sushi for three of us! Yummy! I love sushi.
We loved to hang out by the pool. Brayden loved hanging out in the hot tub with strangers. He made friends quickly. He even talked a nice couple into taking him down the water slide because couldn't go by himself. They thought he was so fun and hated each time he had to leave. Here he is posing with his new friends.
Next we stopped at Norwegian's private Island for the day. It was beautiful! Just another perfect day at the beach.
Here my bother Shane and I are just chillin.
In this picture the kids decided I needed a mud wrap. They were really cute and took good care of me!
Next we stopped at Norwegian's private Island for the day. It was beautiful! Just another perfect day at the beach.
Ahh!.....April and I enjoying our time together on a beautiful beach on our last day in the Caribbean.
A perfect sunset to end the day!In Florida we went on one last excursion. We took an air boat ride to catch some gators sunning themselves. It was so cool. We also got to experience some reptiles up close and personal. Check out this boa constrictor. It was so awesome. I love snakes! It was a great trip!