Death is a funny thing...no one likes to talk about it much, no one wants to be around it, and no one wants to think about there own death. I have had a lot of time lately to think about the process of dying. How life is too short to worry about all the little things that don't matter. My step father Boyd has been very ill this last year. In fact he has been in a hospital bed in the living room which he only leaves go to dialysis. But this last week we met with the Hospice group to discuss his health. It is always hard to know it is only a matter of time before someone dies. We gathered in the living room where they told us that my mother could no longer carry him to the bathroom that is was dangerous for both of them. They told us that Boyd would need to wear diapers. How sad! The one thing that gives you a little dignity in all of this is now gone. They told us that Boyd would need to decide if he wants to stop going to dialysis, but as far as they were concerned that they felt it was too hard and dangerous to transport him. We knew this had been an issue for awhile. No one wanted to make the decision. Boyd had been struggling with this for weeks. Is is committing suicide if you don't go? Can I leave my family? I don't want them to suffer like they did when their mother died of cancer? Should he just give up and not go? I knew these were all questions he was asking himself. He told me how scared he was of dying, but if he fell he could break a hip and be in a lot of pain. Hospice told us they were going to tell Boyd these things and that we should be prepared. They told Boyd their concerns who surprisingly enough accepted wearing depends. The next day he was scheduled for dialysis and surprised everyone by saying he wasn't going and wouldn't go again. He seemed really at peace with himself after making this hard decision. Finally the end would come. His Doctor gave him a week to live. It has now been a week and we have been taking turns sleeping in the same room as Boyd so my mom can get some sleep. As a lay on the couch I could hear his labored breathing. Would he die while I was there? I thought to myself...that might be a good thing so my mother wouldn't feel the burden of him dying while she was alone with him. Is he scared? How long can he hold out? He was an amazing person. He had already died 3 times and come back to life. It doesn't seem fair that one person dies quickly and another waits and waits. I didn't get much sleep that night. He would stop breathing for what seemed like forever and I would wake up to see if he had died, but then he would catch his breath and begin breathing hard again. This continued through the night. I was really nervous to go at first, but then I thought what a privileged it was to be here, with this man in his final days. He came into our life after having a dream he was suppose to marry my mom. We thought he was crazy, but in all honesty he was an answer to our prayers. We needed someone to really love and take care of our mother after all of these years of her being alone. He always treated me like his own daughter. I believe that a passing of a loved one can be a very spiritual experience that can bring us closer to our Heavenly Father. We are all going to die one day. I just hope, when that day comes, that I am ready to meet my Savior and tell him I did everything I could do to return back to him. I love Boyd! He led an amazing life which I was fortunate enough to be a part of. I pray each day that he will pass quietly and pain free. How blessed we have all been able to have you in our lives.